Wednesday, October 10, 2018

2018-1Ride to Gila Bend on 10-10-18

 Complete write-up and more photos coming when I have some more time.

I rode to Gila Bend and back, rode through Liberty and Buckeye, saw the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, then down old US 80 and saw the old Arlington Cattle Ranch, Gillespie Dam bridge, 3 Solar Plants, Gila Bend 9-11 Memorial Park, had lunch at Sofia's Mexican Restaurant, and a stop at Holt's Shell station before heading home via Maricopa.

I rode a 2012 Honda Rebel 250, round trip for the ride was 228 miles (got 61.0 mpg).

Above:  The historic Stout's Hotel (now closed).

Above:  At Holt's Shell station.

2019- Ride to Payson, Arizona on 11-19-19

Complete write-up and photos will be added when I get some time. 10-11-19 motorcycle ride to Payson, Arizona.  Had breakfast at the Crosswin...